Student Group
• Prize presentation ceremony
• Exhibition of shortlisted entries
• Charity sale
• Eco-workshops
(More details to be announced later)

2 round trip Economy Class tickets from Hong Kong to any China destination (including Taiwan) on Cathay Pacific + 1 GreenSHOP travel tag
Designed by:
Ng Cheuk Fei
The idea of making this travel baby bed came from the internet. I wanted to make something creative instead of a travel bag or pouch, so when I saw a portable baby bed, I decided to reference it and made this self designed baby bed for a baby to sleep anywhere and everywhere.

1st Runner up
GigaSports coupons ($1,500)
+ 1 GreenSHOP travel tag
Designed by:
Yeung Lai Kuen
外出旅行,一個能裝隨身物品的手提袋尤為重要。因此設計這款手提袋的原意是為旅行提供大容量、輕便、以及防盜性高的旅行包。既可以為快閃旅行提供大而可便攜的手提包,亦可為長途旅行提供與行李箱相配合的旅行包。對應手提包的功能,將做出一系列的設計。 輕便:袋的內外均有小格,可方便放置經常使用的物件。大拉鍊提供雙面式,方便左右手交換更替。 防盜性:大格內有暗格,並附上拉鍊,減少財物曝光的機率。外格的小格均有拉鍊,減少扒手的意慾。 安全性:袋的銀色螢光部份,為夜晚出行的旅行者提供安全保障,提示行車者提高警惕。

2nd Runner up
GigaSports coupons ($1,000)
+ 2 GreenSHOP travel tags
Designed by:
Leung Wing Yan & Chong Kei Hing
"Camerelt 多功能相機袋"
Click HERE for more

1 Stojo cup + 1 3M water saving device + 1 set of HKBU Sustainability reusable tableware + 2 Starbucks coupons + 1 GreenSHOP travel tag (total prize value: around $300)
Designed by:
Kung Ching Lam
- This is a neck pillow with a removable hood and a mini shoulder blanket.
- The buttons on the side of the neck pillow allow you to remove and attach the hood and/or the blanket by buttoning it on.
- The whole neck pillow is made from recycled clothes from HAECO.
- You can carry it as a bag, using the strings that you pull out as straps.
Click HERE for more

[Two sets] 1 Stojo cup + 1 3M water saving device + 1 set of HKBU Sustainability reusable tableware + 2 Starbucks coupons + 1 GreenSHOP travel tag (total prize value: around $300)
Designed by:
Leung Tze Qin Tiffany & Leung Tze Ying Kirsten
Click HERE for more
1 Stojo cup + 1 3M water saving device + 1 set of HKBU Sustainability reusable tableware + 2 Starbucks coupons + 1 GreenSHOP travel tag (total prize value: around $300)
Designed by:
Wong Ping Ting Sannica
作品設計概念: 「方便實用、環保耐用、方便攜帶」 以上三點為此作品的條件。 我選擇使用兩款制服作為作品的主要物料,並結合為一套餐具袋。選擇製作餐具袋的原因是,希望大家旅遊時,仍緊記自備餐具。不要因旅行怠慢保護環境的公民責任。餐具袋顧明思義它就只可放餐具,但此設計背後,更希望使用者能發揮創意物盡其用。除了放置可重用餐具外,餐具袋還有不少格數可放置不同東西,無論是否旅遊,它仍可發揮它的功用為環保出一分力。

1 Stojo cup + 1 3M water saving device + 1 set of HKBU Sustainability reusable tableware + 2 Starbucks coupons + 1 GreenSHOP travel tag (total prize value: around $300)
Designed by:
Tse Tze Chun
Computer jacket for travel with soft protection.

1 Stojo cup + 1 3M water saving device + 1 set of HKBU Sustainability reusable tableware + 2 Starbucks coupons + 1 GreenSHOP travel tag (total prize value: around $300)
Designed by:
Chan Wing Nam
Click HERE for more
Most Enthusiastic Participation Award
4 HKBU Sustainability umbrellas + 4 HKBU Sustainability umbrella bags + 4 HAECO usb fans + 4 Starbucks coupons + 4 GreenSHOP travel tags
G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College