Terms and Conditions
The Upcycling's Got Talent Design Competition is hosted by Hong Kong Baptist University (hereafter “HKBU”) and Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (hereafter “HAECO”).
By joining the Competition, entrants will be deemed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions contained hereinafter. HAECO and HKBU reserve the right to exclude any entry from the Competition at any time if the two parties have reasons to believe that an entrant has breached the rules.
Student Group: students from secondary schools in Hong Kong.
Open Group: participants except secondary school students.
The Competition is open to everyone including HKBU students and alumni, HAECO and HKBU staff, and the general public.
However, the members of the Competition’s task force and the judging panel are not eligible to join the Competition.
HAECO and HKBU have the final decision on the eligibility of the entrants.
Competition Period
The Competition will only accept entries submitted from 1 July to 16 September 2019. Late submission will not be accepted.
Entry Submission
All entries must comply with the submission requirements and formats as stated below, failing which, HAECO and HKBU reserve the right to disqualify the entrants at any stage of the Competition and will not be held liable for submissions received.
Submission Requirements
The entry must not be or include images, trademarks, distinctive features, wording or other elements, for which the entrant does not have the licence and for which he/she cannot provide a licence to use, publish, reproduce or print.
If HAECO logo is shown on the entry, the Brand Identity Guidelines of HAECO should be followed. Clear space around the identity must be maintained and no alteration will be allowed on the HAECO logo (including but not limited to colour and appearance). The HAECO logo should be shown in its original form.
Submission Formats
All entries must be real products.
Product design blueprint (in AI format) or pattern materials should be submitted together with the entries.
Submission Methods
The application form and product design blueprint (if applicable) should be submitted via email to tfsc@hkbu.edu.hk
The entry and pattern materials (if applicable) should be submitted in person or by post to FSC 503, Fong Shu Chuen Library, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong together with the design concept narrative, unused pieces of uniform with HAECO logo.
No application fee is applied. However, all costs required for submissions will be borne by the entrant.
Each person can only join one category of the Competition.
Each person may submit more than one entry. All entries must be the original work of the entrant. The entrant must be the sole owner of the entire copyright in all entries entered.
The submitted entries shall not affect the reputation of HAECO, HKBU, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or any other parties.
All entries must not have been submitted for any other competition or provided to any party for any purpose before submitting to us.
HAECO and HKBU accept no responsibility for any data submission delay, loss, error, non-recognising situations, etc. due to computer, network and other technical issues. The proof of dispatch cannot be accepted as proof of delivery or successful transmission of the entry. All entrants in the Competition are on a voluntary basis. HAECO and HKBU will be exempted from all legal liability, compensation and responsibility that may be caused by the competition and/or the prize.
Upon submission of entries, no revision to the entries will be accepted. Any requests for returning of the entries will not be entertained.
All entrants agree to be photographed, video-recorded and interviewed by the media for promoting the Competition and relevant educational activities organised by HAECO and HKBU. All entrants further agree with HAECO and HKBU to make any transfer and disclosure to the mass media (for the use of media interviews, exhibitions, etc.) or other third parties as deemed necessary.
HAECO and HKBU reserve the right to modify, add or delete any terms of the Competition.
Results Announcement
The winning results will be announced on the Competition website and HKBU Sustainability social media platforms in October / November 2019. Winners will also be notified by email individually.
​Intellectual Property Rights
All entrants who submit entries to the Competition, agree to assign the intellectual property rights of the designs to HAECO and HKBU.
By the act of entering the submission, each eligible entrant is assigning a perpetual, royalty free, unlimited, unconditional use and reproduction rights of his/her submission(s) to HAECO and HKBU for any purposes. Entrants understand that no copyright fees shall be paid to them at any stage.
All submissions must be original and free from infringement of any existing intellectual property rights.
The entrants shall bear full legal and related responsibilities arising from any possible breach of intellectual property rights in respect of their entries, and shall indemnify HAECO and HKBU, and other concerned parties, against any claims and liabilities arising from any such breach.
If an entrant is found to have disposed of to a third party, including but not limited to, by assignment, transfer or provision as security, or is making application or registration procedures, for all or any part of the intellectual property rights or any other rights concerning the submitted entry after the submission, the submission will be made invalid.
The winning designs are subject to investigations regarding originality and eligibility for trademark registration. If they do not comply with the requirement, HAECO and HKBU have the discretion to forfeit the prizes involved without any liability to the selected entrants or any other persons, and other entries may be selected as the winning designs.
HAECO and HKBU shall not be obliged to accept or approve any entry, should they consider that none of the entries submitted is appropriate.
HAECO and HKBU reserve the right to modify the entry design and/or develop different versions of the design with relation to its colours, size, form and all other features, with or without the consent of the creator of the entry.
By joining the Competition, the entrants agree to accept that HAECO and HKBU have the right to display or produce selected designs and products from the Competition for the following purposes: (i) exhibition; (ii) sale; (iii) printed publication; (iv) online publication; and (v) promotion of HAECO and HKBU in any other media.
Judging Panel
The judging panel will comprise designer(s), and members from HAECO and HKBU.
Decision made by the panel of judges shall be final. Any objection of the entrants will not be considered. In case of any dispute, HAECO and HKBU reserve the final decision, including the right to suspend, change or terminate the Competition and any of its terms and conditions without prior notice.
Prizes and Awards​​​
Winning designs will be produced for charity sale and other purposes. Acknowledgements of designers will be added to their products.
Shortlisted entries will be exhibited.
All prizes given out by HAECO and HKBU are non-transferable and winners’ prizes may not be exchanged for other service(s).
All winners have to collect the prizes in person. In the event that a winner is unable to claim the prize in person, he/she may authorise a delegate to claim the prize on his/her behalf.
Winners who fail to collect the prize within the designated period of time will be deemed to have forfeited their prizes. Prizes will not be reissued under any circumstances.
Personal Information Collection Statement
The provision of personal data is voluntary. Personal data provided will be used by HAECO and HKBU for the Competition and promotional purposes. However, HAECO and HKBU will not be able to handle your application, filing request or notice if you do not provide sufficient information. Personal data collected may be disclosed to any institution and third party which provides administrative and other services for the Competition to HAECO and HKBU. Any request for accessing to and correction of personal data may be submitted to the Secretariat of the Competition at tfsc@hkbu.edu.hk.
Entrants declare that all of their details provided for any time during the competition cycle are true and correct.
The decision of HAECO and HKBU will be final and binding on all matters relating to the Competition.
In case of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (“HAECO”) and Hong Kong Baptist University (“HKBU”) reserve the right to modify, add and delete any terms of the Competition.
HAECO and HKBU hereby disclaim any and all liabilities that may arise in connection with the Competition entries and any materials produced in relation thereto. Furthermore, HAECO, HKBU and their employees, agents and representatives shall not be held responsible for any competition entries that are lost or damaged in transit. Competition entries are automatically rejected if incomplete, unreadable, damaged, mutilated, tampered with, falsified, mechanically reproduced, irregular in any way or otherwise not in compliance with the Competition.